Life Maximization Program
Completely Maximize your Life In This Dunya & Akhirah For The Pleasure of Allah(swt)!
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We are committed to helping you compeltley maxmize your life in this dunya & akhirah for the pleasure of Allah(swt).
We will dive ininto 5 specific subjects, in'shaa'Allah:
1. How to completely maximize your productivity
2. How to completely maximize your Deen & Self
3. How to completely maximize your Family & Relatives
4. How to completely maximize our Ummah & World
5. How to completely maximize your Freedom & Wealth
It is very important to note that this program & it's instructor (Hussein Mohamud) use the Hijri calendar along with the Gregorian calendar because it is more suitable for a Muslim, for whom this program is designed for and non-Muslims can benefit as well, in'shaa'Allah! Furthermore, we use ands 45-Week-Year Productivity system that will be explained in the program, in'shaa'Allah!
Your Instructor

owerner & leader maximizer